Philippe Muller
- Concertiste
- Professeur à la « Manhattan School of Music » à New-York.

Violoncelle / Cello
Figure de proue de l’école française de violoncelle, Philippe Muller a consacré une
part importante de sa carrière à la musique de chambre.
En trio, avec Jean-Jacques Kantorow et Jacques Rouvier, mais aussi avec des formations telles que l’Ensemble Intercontemporain, il s’est produit sur les plus grandes scènes musicales du monde.
Il a de plus réalisé de nombreux enregistrements, notamment l’Intégrale des Suites de Jean-Sébastien Bach.
Philippe Muller est l’un des plus grands pédagogues au monde, un père nourricier de nombreux violoncellistes.
Parmi les élèves de Philippe Muller, on compte de grands représentants de l’école française de violoncelle, tels Gautier Capuçon, Emmanuelle Bertrand, Anne Gastinel, Raphaël Pidoux, François Salque, Xavier Phillips et Marc Coppey…
Après trente cinq ans d’enseignement au Conservatoire de Paris, il prolonge sa
carrière de professeur à la prestigieuse « Manhattan School of Music » à New-York.
- Concertist
- Professor at the « Manhattan School of Music », New-York.
Born in Alsace, Philippe Muller was raised in both the French and
German musical traditions that characterize that province. He has always
had an open mind to different cultures and carries on with a multi-faceted
He performs an extensive repertoire, not only as a soloist, but also as a
member of various chamber music ensembles .
In 1970 he founded with Jacques Rouvier and Jean- Jacques Kantorow a
piano trio particularly appreciated for its dynamism and homogeneity.
Seven years of work with the Ensemble Intercontemporain, founded in
France by Pierre Boulez, have enabled him to understand and manage the
music of our time .
In 1979 he succeeded his master André Navarra as cello teacher at the
Conservatoire de Paris. He now carries on with his pedagogy at Manhattan
School of Music in New York City. Many of the cellists he has trained, such as
Xavier Phillips or Gautier Capuçon, for example, are enjoying remarkable
individual careers of their own.
Philippe Muller is invited to give master-classes in the most prestigious
institutions, notably in Kyoto, Japan, where he has been involved for twenty
two years in an academy of French music.
Many festivals invite him regularly to perform around the world, primarily in
Europe, but also in United States, Canada, Latin America, Japan, Korea,
Australia and New Zealand.
He is also highly solicited to judge international competitions such as
the Tchaikovsky in Moscow, Paulo in Helsinki and Rostropovitch in Paris.
His extensive discography reflects his personality and presents a range
of works from Vivaldi, Beethoven and Brahms to Faure, Ravel, Martinu,
Malec and Merlet , not to mention the complete suites of JS Bach.
LANGUAGES: Classes are given in French and English